Parent's Association :: Solomon Schechter Day School

Parent's Association

Schechter Parent Association: Connecting the Family and School Communities

Committed to building a strong and supportive community for all Schechter families, the Parent Association (PA) hosts an ongoing schedule of activities, volunteer opportunities and parent education programs.

From the annual back-to-school social to Shabbat Share meals to Teacher Appreciation Week and more, the PA bridges students’ school and home communities with fun and meaningful activities. A few examples include:

  • Shabbat Share, where families share a Shabbat meal together, hosted in a community member’s home
  • Purim Baskets enrich student learning by supporting extra curricular activities and events such as attending performances at The Bushnell or hosting an author in residence

Join Us

We welcome your expertise and energy! Please volunteer by contacting Karen Tuvin, chair of the Parent Association, at

Other annual PA events include

  • Holiday celebrations (apples and honey, latkes, shakes and lulavs)
  • Before school ice cream social
  • Shabbat Share
  • Scholastic Book Fair
  • Purim Baskets
  • Teacher Appreciation Week
  • End of Year Picnic
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